Нашла одну из статеек, поясняющих факт присутствия (африканских!) шпорцевых лягушек в водоемах Северной Америки.
"...African clawed frogs are fecund and tougher than ticks. If their pond dries up, they either hop away to a new one or burrow in the dirt until it rains. They're immune to most diseases and will survive almost any wound that doesn't kill them outright.
They'll consume any bug, slug, grub, amphibian or reptile they can cram past their jaw hinges. And they have among the highest salt tolerance of any amphibian, thriving in brackish sloughs that are almost half seawater.
That makes them just a little too well adapted for the Bay Area.
The Lily Pond -- a reclaimed rock quarry just east of the California Academy of Sciences -- is crawling with African clawed frogs, and some wildlife experts say it's only a matter of time before they spread to other locales, if they haven't already."
Это как раз, как мне кажется, в какой-то степени иллюстрирует факт, что шпорцы сохранились в аквариумах Москвы за 20 лет, а другие пиповые - исчезли.
Неприхотливое, всеядное, выносливое животное, способное извлечь максимальную выгоду из любых условий.