Статьи из журнала Reptilia

Постоянный посетитель

Ukraine Lutsk
12 г. назад
Статьи из журнала Reptilia
Статьи из журнала Reptilia

Для примера
REPTILIA is a specialized magazine first created to serve the growing interest in reptiles, amphibians, and arthropods among Spanish speaking professionals and hobbyists around the world.

With the success of the original Spanish edition, and in order to satisfy the demands of a greater worldwide readership, REPTILIA is now published in four editions - Spanish, German, English, and Italian.

REPTILIA is a bimonthly, 88-page, full-color, highest quality publication edited by a professional staff of biologists, breeders, conservationists, traders, and veterinarians. The magazine is renowned for its striking photographs, and superior design.

REPTILIA is dedicated to sharing information among professionals and amateurs in order to promote the responsible care of captive animals, and the conservation of animals in the wild.

Topics include the natural history and habitat of species, the cultural importance of amphibians and reptiles, current conservation concerns and regulation of trade, scientific research, correct captive care and breeding, news and agenda items, presentation of herpetological societies, and much more.

Our readers are herpetologists, breeders, veterinarians, and traders who find in REPTILIA the high-quality educational information, news, and entertaining reading they require to enhance their business and hobby interests.

In addition to the European market, REPTILIA is read by enthusiasts all over the world - in the fastest growing markets of Latin America and Japan, and in the already well-established U.S. market.

Click on Subscriptions to find out how you can receive every issue of REPTILIA starting with the current issue on the market, or with the next issue to be published, whichever you choose.

Click on Back Issues for an index to all the issues of REPTILIA already published. Order those issues that specially interest you, or get the complete collection.

Изменено 15-2-2009 автор Анатолий

Изменено 17-2-2009 автор Анатолий

Изменено 17-2-2009 автор Анатолий
2009-02-15 добавлено 15/02/2009 21:01:06#152494

Постоянный посетитель

477 4
10 мес. назад
Esli je komu nujen sam jurnal, mogu pomoch pri zakaze i posilke. Deneg za uslugi, kak vi uje ponyali ne beru.
2009-02-16 добавлено 16/02/2009 03:35:21#152605

Постоянный посетитель

Ukraine Kiev
12 г. назад
Зайдя на сайт - нажмите "Sample Articles". Дальше выходите на "Number 39", там статья в свободном доступе - Hydromedusa maximiliani, The Brazilian Snake-Necked Turtle. Дальше: жмите до Number 38 - статья Gerrhonotus parvus. The Pygmy Alligator Lizard of Nuevo León, Mexico.

Number 37 - Colostethus beebei. Charismatic Jewel of the Lost World: The Golden Rocket Frog
Number 36 - A collector’s Selection of Old Postcards, Prints and Photographs.
Number 35 - The Return of Morelet’s Crocodile: Crocodylus moreletii.
Number 34 - Dwarf Boas of the Caribbean.
Number 33 - Phelsuma madagascariensis boehmei, The Madagascar Day Gecko.
И так дальше. Успехов. В каждом номере одна статья в свободном доступе.
2009-02-28 добавлено 28/02/2009 19:36:16#154988

Постоянный посетитель

Ukraine Kiev
12 г. назад

Сообщите, как получить любой номер в Киев.
С уважением, Анатолий.
2009-02-28 добавлено 28/02/2009 19:38:16#154990

Постоянный посетитель

477 4
Germany Hamburg
10 мес. назад

V ponedelnik sproshu skolko stoit pochta do Kieva. I dogovorimsya kak )))

S Uvajeniem Tushig
2009-02-28 добавлено 01/03/2009 00:46:46#155078

Постоянный посетитель

477 4
Germany Hanover
10 мес. назад

A est li nomera interesuyushii Vas? 14 budu v Hamme tam mogu sam zabrat jurnali (s economlyu na pochtovie rashodi)
tak chto....

S Uvajeniem Tushig
2009-03-02 добавлено 03/03/2009 00:14:52#155500

Постоянный посетитель

Ukraine Zaporozhye
12 г. назад

• Zeldam. R. ten.: Croaks, Clicks, and Chirps. The Golden Sedge Frog, Hyperolius puncticulatus
Núm.41: "Terrarios"
• Berec, M.: Mitchell’s Reed Frog in the Terrarium, Hyperolius mitchelli.
Núm.52: "Girdled Lizards"
2009-03-14 добавлено 14/03/2009 17:45:27#158017

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